Streamline Your Hiring Process with Calendu

Simplify scheduling for interviews, coordinate with hiring managers, and reduce time-to-hire.
Calendu Recruitment Scheduling Solutions
Easily schedule interviews with candidates and hiring panels
- image: card que diga group interview, con caras de hosts. + booking page card. y chance algunas flechas
image: card con form del interview questions y abajo botón que diga book meeting.

Improve Candidate Preparation

Include pre-interview questions on your booking pages to help candidates prepare. After scheduling an interview, direct candidates to pages with information about your company and the interview process.
- image: Un tipo -dominó- en diagonal con calendu hasta adelante en un card y atras igual google, outlook, google otra vez y más stacks de fichas de dominó. - y líneas delgadas que hagan sync.

Calendar Integration

Sync with calendar providers such as Google or Outlook to avoid double bookings.

Automated Reminders

Send reminders to candidates and interviewers to ensure punctuality.
Conduct Collaborative Interviews with Ease
image: a la izq un solo circulo con cara real del candidate y fondo de un color (abajo poner -candidate-). a un lado pero igual a la izq un card que diga -CV- y a la der dos caras de interviewers igual con fondo de color. abajo de cada cara poner -Interviewer- y -hiring manager-
Easily co-host interviews with multiple recruiters, such as hiring managers and team leads, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of candidates from various perspectives.

Why Choose Calendu?

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Pro Plan

Ideal for freelancers and small businesses needing streamlined appointment management.


Teams Plan

Enhance team collaboration with advanced scheduling tools.



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