Increase your revenue, improve project management, coordinate team meetings, and enhance collaboration in your tech company.
Maximize Team Availability
image: booking page a la izq, y a la der card de team names en vertical y abajo next agent con flechas de rotation
Merge the available time of a team and rotate the leads between them. Configure rotation preferences to prioritize equality or availability.
image: METER Screenshot de -hosts, av, location- donde salen algunos team members. y flotando por ahí: -Live- word. Google calendar icon, Outlook icon, teams icon, zoom icon, etc
Real-Time Availability
Sync calendars to see team availability and avoid scheduling conflicts.
image: Rotation (jalar de algún otro lado el image)
Team Collaboration
Use Calendu to invite team members and external partners to collaborate on projects.
image: Webhook ui management card screenshot
Create Webhook Subscriptions Hassle-Free
Simply fill out a form—no need to figure out how to get credentials or make dozens of extra API calls for related resources. Receive new or canceled event data at your URL with minimal setup time.